Sri Yantra – Gel – High pH

£ 45.00

I have created the substance used by the Egyptian Pharaohs and Hebrews. It’s from pure gold, and nothing else but the acids and bases to make it. Why Sri Yantra? Because it is the creative principle at the foundation, the singularity, of Creation Itself. This stuff was known as the sperm of the gods, the elixir of the gods, and the food of the gods. It’s a gel-like substance that is literally the Egyptian and Hebrew Manna, only on a higher level of frequency to match the frequency of modern times.

Vial: 2 Dram – 7.40 ml

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The wet gel is of a high pH, by design – 8.4, and is left in a mildly salty state, which helps with cellular absorption. You’ll see why if you watch the video linked below. It shouldn’t be used any more frequently than about every 3 or so days. For the greatest effect, it should be used on an 8-plus hour empty stomach. The chemical makeup of the stomach after at least 8 hours is the ideal environment. We haven’t yet tried it on a 3-plus day fast, but it seems it could be astouding.

Of the two forms, the gel-like wet version is the higher priority. You should get both, but if finances are an issue, just get the wet for now. The dry version is just the wet version with most of the salt removed and the pH closer to balanced, around 8 or so. Even though it might seem they’re very close, they’re not. Removing most of the salt and drying at 400 degrees changes the dry stuff entirely. In a very real way, the dry is for the subtle bodies and selves, the wet for the physical self, you. Together, they create the conditions to bring the above and the below together, in a merger, and this is the magic that does it. The dry version is now our White Powder Gold, because it’s a more efficient way to create it, and it’s more powerful besides.

The wet substance is alkaline, around a pH of 9.5. It’s very salty, and needs to be. In fact, we’re leaving all the highest level alchemies at least a little salty now because it helps so much with cellular absorption. In addition, salt’s crystalline structure is cubic, and the cube represents our world because it takes three coordinate points to describe a location, meaning 3D: 1) front-back, 2) side-to-side, 3) up-down. Within every salt “cube” is the etheric tesseract cube, which serves as a point through which etheric information gains access to the so-called physical. As has been known forever, salt is one of the main pillars of all alchemical traditions.

When the few drops consumed hit the acids in the stomach, it turns YOU into the alchemical vessel, creating a powerful chemical reaction. The human body is a marvel of esoteric engineering, and the deepest alchemical secrets in history are all locked up within it. This is the stuff to unlock its full potential. The first thing it does is repair the gut, meaning the stomach. Every process or organ involved in the stomach’s chemistry is also quickly addressed, if necessary. Then it will go to work on everything to do with digestion. Then on all other visceral organs and the heart. Then it will go to work on the endocrine before beginning the upgrade to your nervous system. The order isn’t fixed, however, because the order of fixing is determined by each person. The gut is everything, because these materials have to be digested to be absorbed by body systems through each’s cells. It then creates an environment where literally everything you consume is optimized for supernutritive absorption. It’s so intelligent, once in the body it makes a list of everyting that needs fixing, and it orchestrates the entire domino-effect effort from the alchemical vessel of the gut.

It was called What Is It? (or What, then, is it?) by the Egyptian temple priests and royal and court classes because they actually didn’t know what it was. It wasn’t made by the temple priests. Nobody knew who made it, in fact, but we the alchemists who’ve always worked behind the scenes, showed up disguised as beggars when we delivered it to them. We didn’t trust couriers, so we did it ourselves. It only becomes something known once it’s in your body, because it is your chemistry that decides what it is, and what it will do, and most importantly, what needs to be done.

Additional information

Weight 20 g
Dimensions 150 × 50 × 50 mm


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