By using this website, you understand that we make no representations, or warranties, or health, or medical claims as to the performance of any product we manufacture, or the results that you do, or do not, achieve. All information found within these pages, and all information regarding the use of our products is for recreational and/or research purposes only. Absolutely no medical advice or treatment is implied or intended. Any statements made about the effects of the products discussed on this Website, related forums, emails, blogs, or any other electronic or print media, by anybody at any time, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Nothing in this information is intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition.
Notwithstanding the above, you assume any and all risks and to the fullest extent permitted by law you waive any claims against Wholistic Wellness Ltd. and its distribution partners, employees, officers or affiliated parties for any and all injuries, be they mental or physical, in using our products including for any injuries, losses or damages. You also freely agree to assume any and all liabilities when allowing any other persons to use our products.
Always consult your Doctor before taking any new supplement or starting any new treatment.