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Testimonials – Stones


PLEASE NOTE: We asked for some of these, and the only criteria for that was that they just speak the truth. Others were posted on our forum thread for these. We’ve never been a “testimonial” kind of company, or we’d have a lot more. One thing is certain, if you want to talk directly with us, or with any number of MPS owners, you can do so here. We can also arrange for you to talk directly to any of these great folks.

Also, I’ve been in the awakening business for 35 years and have many products, all for the awakening of humanity, the clearing of all that must go, superhealth, and facilitating sheer fantastic potential. Therefore, some of these reference other products and programs.

“I would describe my experience of the Merlin Power Stone as ‘subtly profound’. Since I purchased it two years ago, it would appear as if some ‘grand coordinator’ started aligning events in my life. I have been fortunate enough to have many great opportunities open up with minimal effort on my part. It’s like this coordinator is doing the work to line these things up and all I have to do is take the necessary action to engage an opportunity and it integrates with ease.

“I have a great employment situation, am financially stable, have a great relationship, free time to engage in hobbies and personal development, and have met some people that I am excited to be working on new projects with as well. My intuition tells me that without the Merlin Power Stone all of this would’ve taken more time to come together and required a lot more hard work on my end. Don’t get me wrong, WE still need to do the work to actualize these opportunities! But I feel like having my MPS has brought forth subtle adjustments on a very high level to help everything align as smoothly as possible.” – Brian VB

“Since receiving my Merlin power stone my life has been on a trajectory that has been most miraculous! Upon first receiving it I was shocked at the level of energy I was feeling from it. There was a period of attuning myself to the energy and it was perhaps the most electric and dynamic attunement process I have ever experienced from a sacred object. My life has been an unfolding series of miracles and I have no doubt the Merlin stone combined with the alchemy together has played a huge part in my limitless expansion!

“My personal experience from using the stone can be described like having a physical copy of your higher self in the 3d world. When I hold it or tune into it I instantly feel myself ground and center into my presence. There is the feeling of opening the master gates and an alignment to source instantly opens. I use it as my main manifestation tool, I use it to call forth my higher dimensional self and ground that presence deeper into reality. Its existence feels somewhat like having the Excalibur sword to me. It is a pillar of my highest potential and it clears away as much as I allow its magic to do so in my life. It is deeply powerful and yet highly subtle in its nature as I find it is always adjusting its energy to my own personal flow. This is like having a source of the highest personal power in the physical. I highly suggest the Merlin stone to anyone on a pathway of magic, miracles and transformation.

“That is my 100% honest review and personal experience of the power stone. A personal thanks and blessing from me for everything you do, I feel so blessed to have discovered your alchemy. Your generosity and authentic genius in your work has not gone unnoticed. Those who I have shared your alchemy with have always been blown away. I am really looking forward to your future creations.

“Many Blessings to you and Mary.” – Sean W.

“Today marks one week since my beautiful Merlin Power Stone arrived at my home. It is such a precious anomaly; so tiny and yet so full of power. It has had me very busy taking care of things in which I had been procrastinating for years. Its nudges have been so forceful and yet so very gentle. I want to express my deepest, most sincere gratitude to Jason for bringing it into this density for me. Thank you so much Jason!!!” – Cassandra

“I received my MPS on March 22, 2018, and in looking back on my journey, it has certainly been eventful. In this look back, it’s confirmed for me that my MPS has firmly, without any doubt, placed me on my highest path.

“At the time I received my MPS, I was struggling with what I wanted to do with my life, versus what I was currently doing with my life. My job is not in an area that brings me joy. In fact, it has a toxic environment – both physically and mentally. The building I work in has mold throughout, and there are no windows, so no fresh air is available.

“Once I got my MPS, I had it made into a ring that I wear every day. After a bit of time had gone by, I noticed my allergies weren’t bothering me as much, even at work. There was just as much mold and other allergens, but I was starting to take much less allergy medicine.

“As time passed, I noticed I was able to meditate more easily, and to seek guidance on what my next steps should be. I found confirmation of my teaching, as well as healing abilities. People started to ask me to help them in my areas of expertise. Just this alone brings me great joy…to be able to teach someone, and/or heal, or help someone have less pain.

“I am still on my way to totally leaving my “day” job and moving into where I fully need to be, but with my MPS, it is a journey that has become much easier to do, and more pleasurable. I wouldn’t trade my MPS for anything, or for any price!” – Jean N.

“For the first 3 hours, I just sat and held her and ‘watched/sensed’ everything that was going on. Did nothing but sit there – Being. And, I wanted to hug everything-the towels, the dishes, the books, the walls! Absolutely ridiculous! The desire has something to do with ‘recognition.’

“And Being is pretty intense! Deep chills. I have felt this level of whole-body energy in sessions with gifted healers – high vibe – but that intensity fades after a day or so. I now feel I am permanently plugged into a whole different light socket. And it doesn’t require that Beatrice [the name of her Stone] is at hand. Although she is. This is my new normal. This is how our body was intended to always feel from our earliest beginnings, and I’m told this is only the tip of the iceberg. In musing on how I used to feel – programmed into low-battery mode – seems like a remembered dream now.

“There are a lot of old memories and memory-threads being triggered and a feeling of now getting the something behind’ those threads. Many realizations.

“It’s not about what’s different in my life now (possibly because I have been using many alchemies for some time – and different happened quite a while ago). It’s about what’s more.

“As of today, the energy is less high intense than the first day. It has evened out into a consistent steady strong flow all day long. I can almost hear myself buzzing/humming, and if you were to touch me, you would feel that buzz. Someone did and said so. I still get sappy ooey-gooey at times – my teddy bears (yes, teddy bears) and stuffed dog, and grand-kids get the ooey-gooey. Still want to hug the house.

“So, there it is my friends. I just have to say to you all – I am deeply grateful that I took Jason and the Universe up on this fantastic invitation to come and play. ‘They’ had something exceptional in mind when they made that offer. Yes!!!

Hugs to all. – Shirley B.

[Here’s an example of someone writing about other offerings of ours, in addition to the MPS.]

From the moment I first took Alkhem I knew my life had changed… I have every Alchemy Jason makes and feel what I need each day. I have been known to take 22 per day… lol. I have a Puramyd that I treasure as he is always amazing me and I am never without him. I have a bail and use crazy glue and wear him on a necklace. I finally had enough money to buy a Merlin Stone – an exciting time for me – and it is like adding yet another incomprehensible level of wonder. I also wear him with the Puramyd and I am never without them!

The Merlin stone makes me feel invincible as I never have fear on any level. There is a steady, stronger belief or assurance that I am protected and will always be put on the right path I need to be for my Greater Good! Since my Merlin Stone entered my life a 20 year quest to earn enough $ to start my Foundation is finally materializing. I attribute the opportunity directly to the Merlin Stone but it did not happen right away. I believe he had a lot of work to do on me to open the pathway!!

I am standing in faith now with NO DOUBTS or FEARS that my 20 year journey of seeking funding is now over. I am finally days away.

Blessings to Jason and Mary as my life has change so much for the better since I met them. There will never by enough gratitude as the result of their work changed my life, my career, my beliefs and opened my heart to abundance in all things. – Dawn L.

[Also an example of someone referencing other stuff we have and do.]

“I know I may have mentioned years back about changes in my reality on the site at one point, and I honestly think I said I wasn’t sure what specifically caused the shifts .. the alchemies I’ve used and continue to use daily, the Puramyds, or my beloved Merlin Stone … most likely the whole enchilada I imagine.

“What I can say is that being 65 and a “seeker “ since I was 16 .. I finally came “home to myself “ .. with sense of contentment and empowerment for who I am in my multidimensional entirety after finding the Superbeings site and started with the alchemies, MPS and Puramyd. Everything started effortlessly clicking into place like tumblers in a lock. I no longer seek anything anywhere from anybody, except the truth within my body and being. I have a total sense of power, serenity, joy and freedom on a deep authentic level that is pretty untouchable by the outside world and circumstances. .. and a sweet connection to my team of the angelic realm … and I am no hermit!! I have a very full and interactive life! 4 children and their spouses, 8 grandchildren (17 yrs to 4 months) that are here nearby me and in my daily life … the children are my little light tribe. Grateful to be the joyful and constantly amused observer of myself and all the characters in my play. Never a dull moment to be sure!

“So bright blessings to you and all you are in all your multidimentional wonder!

With my gratitude to all you are and all you do to help with this earth experiment … it’s all about the love.” – Thia B.

[These next few are from a forum, successive posts from impressed owners.]

“I received my Merlin Power Stone on Friday July 7. I thought it was going to be conceived in this realm right before or after the August solar eclipse. To my surprise it came earlier. It is appropriate to adopt “Trumpian” superlative to describe it. It is most beautiful, most stunning, most magical, most mystical. It is midwifed-with most love and the highest intention insight into Nothingness.

“I thought my MPS would materialize in a yellow gold color thus allowing me to set it in a silver ring setting. It was born looking like a platinum metal. It is my understanding no such metal was used. Already, he is causing me to stretch myself. I choose a silver setting based on budget. But when I received a gold ring is the most appropriate as it offers a contrast.

“My stone told me his name was Nobilus or Nobulis before it was made, before the fund for his commission was available.

“One week I found myself obsessed with throwing old things away and de cluttering and cleaning up my place. While putting order in my closet, I had a sense that I was bringing the “background into the foreground.” And on the last day of my endeavor, Mary let me know that my MPS was completed. I was stunned because I thought it would arrive in August.

“Then Friday, a week ago, I decided I would cut my hair really really short and go make offering to the goddess at the temple the next day which was an auspicious full moon. As I made the decision to cut my hair, I felt a pleasant energy sprinkled on third eye. I thought the gods must approve of this crazy idea. Later on I discovered that my landlord sent me a text notifying me to pick up a package at the vey same time I felt the sprinkled energy on my third eye.

“There is much more to say about Nobilus. He’s quite a charming fellow and he has already shown me his power. And I know what I have seen nothing yet. – Winnie O.

“I have a health issue that requires me to see a hematologist and receive a series a treatments that are given a chemotherapy clinic.

“There are always a mysterious orchestrations that happen whenever I go the clinic. So much that I don’t bother to notice them anymore. My most recent visit, my MPS was in my purse and I was concerned about holding for fear of losing it. But my MPS stone communicated to me that it wanted to come out and to place it on a table next to me.

“When I agreed to the request, immediately a flood of energy came through my eyes. And when I placed the MPS on the table, it felt that the MPS had optimized the energy. I sensed it had created a field and that very same energy was raining. That’s the best way I can explain it. I noticed that my eyes released that energy only once, instead of multiple times as it was often the case in the past.

“That day, I did not have a neighbor (a patient who is always being treated for cancer) sharing the area with me. What was interesting was the fact that there were 3 patients who kept walking back and forth and stopping for a bit by my area and just gazed, wondered about but never talking to me. I left my area for a bit, I felt the energy that I can describe as a downpour of rain that moved about with me. It also eventually caused me to fall into a deep restorative sleep.” – Winnie O.

“I can certainly vouch for the fact that from the day of first installment, the Merlin Power Stone can be called upon.

“Although its really noticeable now its been made but in transit. Marys description of what it looks like had allowed me to have a stronger connection.

“My initial sense is I’m turning into a morning person. Since last Friday, I have woken up each day unusually quickly. I’m a night owl, always struggled with the actual waking up process. It used to take an hour plus purchased coffee.

“For the last week I’ve been fully awake after 10 minutes. This morning and yesterday morning my alarm clock made no noises, yet I still woke up.

“This is unheard of territory for me.” – Matthew L

“It was received this morning although I’m in work, so been sent a photo.

“I’ve had a weekend of accomplishing things I wouldn’t normally want to do. I’m moving from a pure thinker, to a doer. These are tiny changes but major in sense of, what impact my minor changes have on the well being of others.

“From knocking on my neighbours door with blue tac, to ask if they could attach to their outside gate to stop it banging in the wind.

“I asked politely and they solved. Before I would have left it annoy us for weeks.

“Lots of tiny changes.

“I feel its effects, I see/reap the rewards for tiny positive changes.” – Matthew L.

“We are only on day 4, yet this weeks length has considerably extended but in a good way. People are more smiley around me, just random people in shops are happier. Its really odd, people are looking at me more. People around me seem to have become proactive, they are making less mistakes.

“I have read alot of SB in last couple weeks in prep, so perceptions have been morphing into a more coherent assortment.

“Dare I say it but it feels like the fabric of realiy is being morphed/shifted around me.

“Lessons of acceptance are fast and furious. I’m getting there, I’m loving the ride. These could be a little bit bumpy to start with, but once the pedal is on the metal, this is going to be one super awesome accelerated ride.” – Matthew L.

“Mine is now worn daily around my neck in a pouch. I tried to leave at home, but mine wants to be with me all the time.

“My dreams are intense yet I have no recollection of any of them.

“I am enjoying the lifes lessons I am presented with, I now face them head on. I’m not always ready, but I gather the strength to face them now. I know if I dodge and dive, it just comes back a day later much more intense.

“These are certainly not for the faint hearted.

“I love them.

“Has anyone else’s shown some possible change in colour of their MPS?” – Matthew L.

“The MPS does make you change, if you’re not happy to accept changes, don’t get one. If you want to open a good Pandoras box, then go for it. Your purpose and lessons accelerate, the option of ducking out, just means it comes back heaps quicker. I’ve learnt to face challenges head on, gain the courage/confidence to at least face it.

“The Puramyd just does stuff, absorbs stuff, just is. The Puramyd works on everyone it comes into contact with. The MPS is solely you.

“The capabilities are endless, they programmable, you can give them tasks, you can even chat with them. Some have unique names.

“I think they’re wicked.”

– Matthew L

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